Buddies Not Bullies

Have you heard about our new buddy bench?

Buddy Bench_Christian and Noah

Christian Bucks, a student at Roundtown Elementary School in Pennsylvania, witnessed lonely classmates at his school’s playground and wanted to make sure everyone had a friend. His solution? The Buddy Bench.

After researching the Buddy Bench idea, La Mariposa purchased a hexagon shaped Buddy table for the playground.  The shape of this particular Buddy bench/table allows multiple students to interact during recess.

La Mariposa second graders Christian and Noah have become great student ambassadors for the Buddy Bench.  Christian says, “I like that they gave a bench right there for kids to go to if they’re sad. My friend Noah and I sit in the cave (under the play structure) and watch for a pair of feet, and then we go over to the bench and ask if they want to play with us.”  Noah adds, “We go over to the bench and ask kids if they want to play. We always try to make them feel better.”

How Does The Buddy Bench/Table Work?

If you are sitting at the table, other students will notice that you are looking for a friend. When someone asks you to play, join them.

If you notice someone sitting at the table, walk over and ask if they want to play.  Keep growing your circle of friends until everyone has someone to play with.

4 Reasons to Sit at the Buddy Table:

  1. If you want to make new friends.
  2. If you are new to the school.
  3. If your friends aren’t at school that day.
  4. If you want to play something different than what your friend is playing.

Make Buddies Not Bullies

Every seven minutes a child is bullied, according to an estimate by the U.S. Department of Justice. The Buddy Bench promotes inclusion and gives students a safe space to eliminate loneliness and foster friendships.

The buddy bench was made possible by grant from the PVSD Wellness Event.

Click here to learn more about Christian Bucks and the Buddy Bench.



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