4th Grade Projects

February: Matisse Inspired Collaborative Cut Out Collage

LaMariposa.ArtDocent.OpenHouse.052913100In this lesson students will work in small groups to create a 3′ x 6′ mini wall murals.  Students will work together using saturated colors, organic shapes, and positive and space to create a vibrant piece of art with lots of visual interest.

March: Card Stock Cityscape Using Analogous Colors

DSC_5162In this lesson, students will use textured card stock in a collage style cityscape detailed with metallic paint with a focus on analogous colors and geometric shapes.

April: Dog Drawings Inspired by George Rodrique

LaMariposa.ArtDocent.OpenHouse.052913132For this project students will sketch a dog, then color it using Crayola Slick Stix and liquid water color.  Using George Rodrigues’s Blue Dog paintings for inspiration, students will focus on creating a fun and exciting piece through the use of vibrant color.

April/May: Piñatas

Students will make paper mache’ pinatas using a ballon and snow cone cups.  Classroom teachers will lead this lesson.  Docents should check with their teacher to see how they can be of assistance.

May: Picasso Inspired Self Portrait

LaMariposa.ArtDocent.OpenHouse.052913102With a focus on vibrant color and shape, students will use pastels on black paper in the cubist style to create unforgettable and vibrant self portraits.  They will also learn about one of the great masters, Pablo Picasso.

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